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 it's like a dark paradise

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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 14:27

because all suffering is sweet to me.

that one moment, when you know you're not a sad story. you are alive.

cairns, théia + 24 ans + assistante administrative + gold coast + célibataire + passionné

théia est née le 30 mai 1989 ✤ tient son nom d'une déesse titanide grecque ✤ est l’aînée de sa famille ✤ a une petite soeur qui se nomme hygie et un autre petit frère qui, lui, se nomme dionysos ✤ est en surpoids depuis son plus jeune âge ✤ est la seule de sa famille à l'être ✤ n'a jamais eu de gros problèmes envers ses parents, même durant l'adolescence ✤ ses parents étant très cool et libres d'esprits ✤ a quitté néanmoins la maison familiale dès son premier boulot, il y a 3 ans par besoin d'indépendance ✤ aime énormément sa famille ✤ se sent très protectrice envers son frère et sa soeur étant l’aînée ✤ a toujours défendu sa soeur hygie même lorsque tout le monde l'a croyait folle ✤ a failli arracher la figure à l'ex de dionysos pour l'avoir mal influencé pour ensuite lui brise le coeur ✤ n'aime pas le reflet du miroir ✤ peut débattre pendant des heures pour seul but de prouver qu'elle a raison ✤ va jusqu'au bout de ses idées ✤ crie haut et fort à qui le veut ses principes et valeurs ✤ ne boit pas et ne fume pas ✤ a tendance à juger trop hâtivement ✤ cache ses sentiments derrière le sarcasme ✤ peut s'énerver très vite lorsqu'on l'a cherche ✤ ne se laisse jamais faire sauf lorsqu'on critique son poids ✤ son poids est sa plus grande faiblesse ✤ a très peu confiance en elle concernant son physique ✤ mais c'est tout le contraire concernant sa personnalité ✤ peut être très bornée lorsqu'elle croit en quelque chose ✤ est amoureuse du concept de l'amour ✤ rêve secrètement au prince charmant ✤ mais ne pense pas être à la hauteur niveau physique ✤ n'a jamais eu de petit ami ✤ est toujours vierge ✤ n'a même jamais embrassé d'homme ✤ accro aux films romantiques et aux livres à l'eau de rose ✤ se retrouve à cause de cela à avoir beaucoup trop d'espérances au vue d'un possible partenaire ✤ son fort caractère a tendance à faire peur aux hommes ✤ est très souvent timide lorsqu'elle ne connait personne ✤ mais peut se montrer très bavarde et drôle au fil du temps et lorsqu'on l'a met à l'aise ✤ n'a quasiment pas d'amis hommes ✤ n'a jamais voulu faire de grandes études, l'école n'étant pas sa tasse de thé ✤ a suivi une formation d'assistante administrative ✤ travaille depuis 3 ans dans la même boite ✤ peut être très sensible face à l'injustice ✤ pleure très facilement que ce soit devant un film émouvant ou devant un documentaire sur la guerre ✤ aime beaucoup les animaux mais en a une peur bleue ✤

intelligente + douce + bornée + gentille + juste + drôle + sensible + directe + bavarde + compétitive + compliquée + timide + insociable + râleuse + maladroite + impulsive + lunatique + sarcastique + indépendante + généreuse + têtue + franche + autonome + intègre + renfermée + réticente + rêveuse + attentionnée + souriante + méfiante + patiente + surprotectrice + autoritaire +
© love.disaster
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 14:28

hygie + petite soeur

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 14:28

dionysos + petit frère

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 14:40

à vous mes amours  :moutmout: 
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Dionysos Cairns
Dionysos Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : célibataire
EMPLOI : soigneur à Seaworld
HERE SINCE : 07/03/2014
AVATAR : .Kit Harington
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp1it's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood1-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244107-defis1-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux1-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 18:04

ne moublie pas ma soeur ** !!!!! je t'ajouterai quand je serai d'humeur a faire la fiche de lien :P
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 19:30

Comment t'oublier ??  :petityo: 
Je te rajoute dès que je fais ma maj.  :taime:
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it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptySam 29 Mar - 12:54

i want :fuck: :9: 
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptySam 29 Mar - 14:52

Yeahhh Blake  :8: :youh: 
Une idée?  :please: 
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it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyDim 30 Mar - 16:52

:=D: :=D: elle est trop belle théia ♥️
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyDim 30 Mar - 19:32

T'as vu ça  :fuck: 
Et puis que dire de Chrishell, j'la connais pas mais elle est magnifique  :taime: :taime: 
T'as des idées de lien??  :=D: 
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it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyMar 1 Avr - 20:42

je sais pas trop, il te manque quuuoi ?
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Théia Cairns
Théia Cairns
❝ membre
COEUR : mariée à moi-même, ben ouais j'suis la plus belle donc...
EMPLOI : assistante administrative
HERE SINCE : 18/03/2014
it's like a dark paradise 1400244108-rp0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244103-ancien1-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244105-flood0-copieit's like a dark paradise 1400244104-defis0-copie-copie
it's like a dark paradise 1400244110-sc0it's like a dark paradise 1400244107-jeux0-copie

it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyMer 2 Avr - 18:34

Comme tu peux le voir j'ai pratiquement tout de libre  :lolilol: alors p'tetre que de ton côté tu recherche quelque chose en particulier  :=D: 
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it's like a dark paradise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: it's like a dark paradise   it's like a dark paradise EmptyVen 4 Avr - 21:01

elles pourraient être amies ? Ela encouragerais surement à s'accepter physiquement ? :)
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it's like a dark paradise Empty
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it's like a dark paradise

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